Why Are Executive Function Activities Particularly Important in Maths in the EYFS?
Executive function (EF) skills—such as working memory, cognitive flexibility, and self-regulation—are crucial
Executive function (EF) skills—such as working memory, cognitive flexibility, and self-regulation—are crucial
In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on fundamental
What are metacognitive strategies in the EYFS and how do you
Differentiation in the Early Years: Tailoring Learning for Every Child Differentiation in
Creating engaging and educational displays in early years settings is a powerful
The early years are crucial for a child’s development, and a well-crafted
Poetry Baskets: Weaving Words and Wonder in Early Childhood Education Imagine a
Navigating the Upcoming Changes to the Early Years Framework: A Guide for
I have been asked many times about floor books, how they work
Since Covid schools and settings have changed their settling in procedures to
By Sarah Starling Assessments play a crucial role in ensuring the success
Progression Planning Finding a starting point for your planning can sometimes be
Whether you are a fan of planning in your head, planning in
“What happens early – matters for a lifetime” The 2022 Dfe guidance
Tinkering is about having the opportunity to explore, make mistakes and discover
Are home visits a good idea? By Sarah Detheridge at the Early
“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success” (Alexander Graham Bell)
Language and Communication “The early years are the crucial years for making
Sensory Integration Disorder By Sarah Detheridge “We should celebrate neurodiversity –
Enabling Environments By Sarah Detheridge What is an enabling environment and
The Importance of Oral Health in the Early Years By Sarah Detheridge
Guest Blog – Written by Julian Grenier Preparing for the revised Early
Play holds such an immense value that it should never be underestimated
I have seen some myths and confusion around development matters so I
Should phonics be taught in Nursery? It is an interesting question. Some
Home-schooling can be amazing but it can also be the most stressful
During my childhood I was very much outdoors for most of the
Children’s emotional health, well-being and involvement in the EYFS Wellbeing, according to
The Characteristics of Effective Learning and why are they important? Children need
As Early Years Practitioners, we know children need to be outside. But
Relationships and Communication with Parents Ideas As Early Years Professionals we know
There is a new framework for inspections. This framework sets out Ofsted’s
Guided Reading Boring ? Whether we agree or not, the current method
Did you know children as young as 14 can get preventable skin
Exploring, inquiring and learning through water play! Water play delights the senses
Last term we added ‘The Curiosity Cube‘ to our provision after being
‘In the moment planning’ by Katherine Houghton at Early Years Staffroom and
Messy play! Benefits of Messy Play You either love it or hate it!
What is Wellbeing? There are many different definitions of wellbeing but perhaps
Why do children need independence? As a teacher my question is ‘why
Is society in the UK becoming ‘Health and Safety obsessed’ and why
Piaget defined a schema as ‘repeatable action sequence, possessing component actions that
STEM education stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Arguably the most
I continue to be shocked at how closed minded some leaders are
Our competition winner Liz Marples talks about her experience at the Inspirational
High frequency words are words which occur frequently. These are different from
An effective transition gives you a great head start in knowledge of
Do we need Behaviour Management in Early Years? Or should we banish
We get many messages from Teachers and other staff who are being
Circle time is a bit like marmite, you either love it or
Do you ever hear the older generation saying the best years of
Mother’s Day means different things to different people and it can throw
You may be thinking that is a strange question and the answer
There are 5 main areas to think about when reflecting on Early
I had so many people tell me about their amazing ideas in
Learning in all areas of the curriculum Life is real, so we
Are you an early year’s educator who worries about your approach to teaching British Values? We promote multiculturalism in our society, and while that’s fantastic, it can cause a level of confusion for teachers who are unsure whether they should push or promote British ideals within their classrooms.
You have seen children playing for hours in a home corner. A
We are seeing more and more children getting to school with underdeveloped
Early years teaching requires creative on the fly thinking and planning. It’s important to dedicate time to observe and build relationships with each child, while keeping them all engaged and interested in their own objectives.
Objective led planning or In the moment planning? I have seen a
Can Year 1 learn the skills they need according to the Ethos
I often hear people say when embarking on their first year in