Early Years Visual Timetable (White Background)

Early Years Visual Timetables
Here is a simple visual timetable for early years. This is available with a hessian, wood and white background. It would look great alongside images of your children doing these things.
Covers; Yoga, Cooking, Reading, Collective Worship, Group Time, PE, Circle Time, Mystery Reader, Mindfulness, Music, Phonics, Home Time, Maths, Singing, Funky Fingers, Moving, Gardening, Dough Disco, Play, Snack, Art, Lunch, Science, Story, Forest School. Literacy and Tidy Up, Shopping, Trip, Sensory exploration, Games, Dancing, Computers, Big draw, Guided, Reading, Assembly, Surprise, Friday treat, Nurture group, Independent Learning time, Reset time, Special visitor, RWI phonics, Whole Class phonics, Sports Day, Carpet Time,Celebration assembly, Floor Books, Choosing, Active Maths, Brunch, Funky Phonics, Explore and Learn, Choosing Time, Afternoon play, Geography, History, Prayer, Registration, Class Worship, English, RE, Mental maths, DT, Computing, PSHE, Music and the days of the week, Helicopter Stories, Nature Play, Woodlands, Drawing Club, Bright Ideas, Wash Hands, Toilet, Zoom Lesson, Understanding the World, Communication and Language, Teams Lesson, Breakfast, COOL Time, Discover Time, Kinetic Letters, Writing, Play Time, Zones of Regulation, Squiggle while you Wiggle and Home Time.
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