Nursery Guided Maths Planning 40 Weeks Of Plans Ages 2-3 (0-3)- New EYFS

Guided Maths Planning New Development Matters Nursery covering the following:
- Take part in finger rhymes with numbers. React to changes of amount in a group of up to three items, say 1 number for each item in order 1.2.3
- Recognise up to 3 objects, say 1 number for each item in order 1.2.3, Take part in finger rhymes with numbers
- Compare amounts, saying ‘lots’, ‘more’ or ‘same’. Develop counting-like behaviour, such as making sounds, pointing or saying some numbers in sequence. Count in everyday contexts, sometimes skipping numbers
- React to changes of amount in a group of up to three items. Show ‘finger numbers’ up to 5. Link numerals and amounts: for example, showing the right number of objects to match the numeral, up to 3
- Climb and squeeze themselves into different types of spaces. Build with a range of resources. Complete inset puzzles
- Compare amounts, saying ‘lots’, ‘more’ or ‘same’. Develop counting-like behaviour, such as making sounds, pointing or saying some numbers in sequence. Count in everyday contexts, sometimes skipping numbers
- Recognise up to 3 objects / Recite numbers past 5 – hide and seek / say 1 number for each item in order
- Climb and squeeze themselves into different types of spaces. Build with a range of resources. Complete inset puzzles. Select shapes appropriately – flat surfaces for building, a triangular prism for a roof etc. – combine shapes to make new ones
This is the ideal foundation to our Rose Maths Planning.
All our planning has been carefully created by experienced qualified primary school teachers with QTS therefore you can be sure that your planning will achieve your outcomes and aims.
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