Area Signs For Early Years – Cursive Font Hand Drawn / Wooden Background

These Are Area Signs For The Early Years Classroom/Setting
Cursive Font
These look like they are on wood, they are hand drawn and written.
Small World, Sand and Water, Creative, Malleable, Investigation, Role Play, Reading, Mark Making, Maths and Writing, Thinking, Science, Cooking, Digging, Fairy Garden, Growing, Mud Kitchen, Construction, Building and Loose Parts, Den Building, Tinkering, Woodwork, Bug Hotel, Transport, Sports, Climbing, Snack, Sand and Water, Music, Discover, Drama, Storytelling, Deconstructed Role Play, Block Play, Wild and Observation, Technology, Numeracy, Puppets, Senses, Dressing Up, Heuristic Materials, Puzzles and Games, Weaving and Junk Modelling, Babies; Castle; Farm; Pretend Play, Construction, De-Constructed Role-Play, fine motor, tinker table, transient art, loose parts, phonics, reading and observational drawing, Garage, Library Books, Nature, Letters and Theme Books.
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All our planning has been carefully created by experienced qualified primary school teachers with QTS therefore you can be sure that your planning will achieve your outcomes and aims.
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